Shipping insurance is now available!

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That’s right, shipping insurance is now available on PC Swaps! Sellers now have the option to insure their packages for peace of mind with high value items. 1.25% of the items value will be deducted for the insurance, handled by EasyPost.

When you are ready to generate the shipping label a pop up will appear. Then, you will be prompted you to select to insure the package or not.

If you need to file a claim you should email us at or use our support chat.

Disclaimer: Insuring the package does not guarantee that Easypost will approve the claim. They have a process independent to ours dealing with claims, and we have no control over it. That being said, Easypost not approving the claim is a rare occurrence and will most likely not happen to you.

If you have any other questions regarding shipping insurance, do not hesitate to reach out to us at or chat with us via our website or mobile app. Also be sure to check out our blog.

Be sure to follow us on Instagram, where we have daily posts showcasing the best deals of the day. We also do meme Saturdays! Also polls and quizzes on our stories where we get your opinions and test your computer knowledge!

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